We believe it’s important to support our local businesses. Which is why we partnered with Steve’s Tree Service (Steve Borror) to handle more tree clearing we needed done in the park. They cleared out the remaining invasive or dying trees, and also helped prepare the park for a fence around the property border.

They did a great job and were so quick and efficient that we didn’t get many good photos. Stop by the park and walk through to see it in its current state and imagine the near future.

Soon, we’ll be making a post about stump grinding and then the fence we need built. All bids are welcome and encouraged.
Then we’ll need to raise some money for picnic tables, park benches, walkways, lighting, etc. Please let us know if you or your business are interested in sponsoring.
This is a project spearheaded by the nonprofit group Citizens For A Better Grand Bay (CBGB), but is for all Citizens of our area. Volunteers are needed for the park project and for those interested in working with CBGB consistently, please contact our page (we do a lot more than just this park).